We Do Birth

Woman's hands holding babies feet with flower in between the toes. We Do Birth Doula Services of Wilmington North Carolina logo on the bottom left of picture.

What is a Doula

The greek word Doula means woman caregiver.

Today we see her as a woman that provides continuous physical and emotional support to a mother before, during, and after birth.

Benefits of Having a Doula

34% less likely to rate their childbirth experience negatively

28% less likely to have a unplanned cesarean section

31% less likely to use synthestic oxytocin to speed up labor

9% less likely to use ANY pain medication

Average of 40 minutes shorter labor times!

High quality research supports the benefits of having a Doula.

--2013 Cochrane systematic review analyzed 22 studies of more then 15,000 women to identify benefits of continuous labor support by a doula.--

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